Saturday, July 12, 2014

Garlic Update - 2nd year for Martin Heirlooms, 1st year for Music

This year I got Music Garlic planted, and Martin Heirlooms.  This is the 2nd year for the martin heirlooms.  These cloves are about 2/3rds the size of normal cloves on the larger blub sizes.  The music garlic on the other hand is looking really nice.
These are the martin heirloom bulbs.  Note i have tons of cloves, and
am only keeping 10 of the biggest cloves so if anyone else is
interested let me know :) (before next year)

I'm going to run a test to see if i can pull the cloves out of the garlic heads and they can still last til september/october for planting.  So i'm pulling apart 2 heads.

Here's pics of the latest.  I'll update this thread later this year or next when i know how they grow.

I'm also hoping to plant these ones close together so i can see if they're smaller on average.  If they're the same basic size this means that i can pull the largest cloves each year and they don't have to hang there for months.

The cloves were about the same size, which
is good, but the heirlooms hopefully will get
bigger this next year.  They also hold more
cloves, 5 for music, 7 for MH
Notice how much larger the music cloves are on the left, vs the younger heirlooms on the right.  Hopefully next year they'll both be the same size :)

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