This year (and last year) I planted Yardlong Beans. These are basically your normal green beans, but they grow to be 18-24 inches long (or so). Last year I planted them with the express purpose of saving seeds. I only had a few seeds, and it worked out great. We had hundreds of seeds left over and this year planted those seeds.
In the planting I planted 1 row about 7 feet long, and I just put several beans in the small canal in the dirt and covered them up. I then put up some $10 metal posts from lowes on either side, and used some twine to make a little fence for them to grow up. It works pretty well, except they like to climb up poles rather than working up the fence, so they spin around things instead of moving up the fence. But it's ok, a little training and they've done really well.
That's about 7' wide, notice they like to climb up the hoophouse posts rather than growing up the fence. Next year i'll use all posts |
Notice they're within a foot or 2 from the top, that's at least 8 feet up (1 or 2 feet in the ground). These seem like the easiest way to grow these, and 5 or 10 on a poll doesn't seem hurt them. |
These are the flowers, the beans just start growing out of these after a few days. |
Today's Harvest 7/19/2014
Today we didn't have a vegetable for dinner (the kids were so disappointed) so I decided to go pick whatever beans were ready. I got out there and was pretty surprised to find 41 beans ready to pick. Now if these were normal green beans then 41 beans wouldn't be any big deal, but these are yardlong beans. I weighed them (after removing the top and bottom) and they came out to 15.84 ounces. So basically 1 pound of beans for dinner. Not too shabby :)
While picking I only picked the larger beans, so we'll see how many i get and how often, but for only 11 ft x 1ft (1 row) these things make for a great harvest. If anyone in the St Louis area is interested in any seeds for next year I should have plenty :).
Ignore the socks :), but these are the beans. That's a yardstick next to them to show how long they get. |
Here's the end so it's easier to see the numbers, notice they're all about the 20 - 24 inch mark (though the tops aren't perfectly lined up). |
Update - Today's Harvest 7/22/2014
Today we did another harvest. 18.02oz (1lb 2.02oz). There are a few that are a little over age wize, they're yellow, must have missed them last time. And there are plenty of small ones still out there. But this is today's harvest. Not bad, last harvest was 3 days ago so it seems like so far there is 1 lb every 3rd day. I'll keep updating as we go.
Update - Today's Harvest 7/24/2014
Today we did another harvest. 9.5 oz
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